2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony 
By Alex Saitta 
August 1, 2024 
I haven’t watched the Olympics in more than 25 years. No surprise, as most sporting events have been missing from my TV for over a decade now. Part of it is “it’s all about money” now, but lately it has been how politically correct most sports teams/ leagues have allowed themselves to become. For example, the Cleveland Indians are now called the Cleveland Guardians. So silly, flushing 100 years of tradition down the drain over an "offensive" name/ mascot. Simply put, I don’t want a political message intertwined with my 6 to 4 to 3 double plays, as politics and sports don’t mix well in my stomach.  
However, I did read about the back and forth, and watched a video of the mocking of Jesus’ Last Supper and the painting of, by Leonardo Da Vinci.  
By Design: 
First of all, this presentation was by design. Surely not of Da Vinci quality and accuracy, but the parallel display and message of the Last Supper was hitting-you-over-the-head obvious. At the Last Supper Jesus is Holy, in the middle and Sacrificial. Those around Jesus are his disciples who will soon leave the table to go out and spread the word of Jesus. Quite successfully.  
Clearly the he/she in the middle is holy with the halo above, is the one making the sacrifice today for the LBGTQ cause, but the array of transgender characters on either side will live-on to spread the word of the lifestyle in the years to come. Hopefully, as successful in their minds.  
It was beyond mocking, as it conveyed a message of intentions as well.   
Greek whatever. Sure it was. Funny. Another for instance of the media doing their part to pivot and divert, and help clean up what turned out to be a big mess on aisle 4 for NBC/ Paris 2024.  
Most All: 
In the LBGTQ community there are those who are gay, bisexual, lesbians, transgender, etc. Most all do not walk around wearing their sexual orientation on their sleeves. Just like you and me, they have no desire to publicly broadcast their sexual desires to those around them, are private, and are live and let live types.  
Then there is a small, but militant faction in the LBGTQ community that aims to change the culture and bend it to their way of thinking through discussion, persuasion or coercion -- whatever it takes. This display was created by this loud, in-your-face faction I think, as they work at their cause 24-7-365. The parallel message to the Last Supper was so blatant, it couldn’t have been a “mistake” or an “ooops” moment. It was by design, as they see Christians clinging on to their Bibles and tradition, as the primary opposition to making the cultural change they seek.  
The Pastor: 
Some pastor wrote an apologetic post that we all need to just love each other.  Save it for another place and time, please. The outrage and tidal wave of criticism was justified. Think about it… if the message on display was instead: one man and one woman marriage in the context of the traditional family, the media and the diversity police would have called it a hate crime, stomped all over it, and cancelled/ boycotted everyone within a mile of the presentation (including that pastor). The militant arm of the LBGTQ community is savvy, smash mouth and out to win at any cost. Understanding, forgiveness or turning the other cheek is not in their playbook.  
What bothered me the most about this point is they are the first to demand the stoppage of religious conservatives demonstrating their morals, values and beliefs anywhere in the public square. However, when they do the same, even in the most over the top and inappropriate way (like this), everyone else is just supposed to say nothing or praise the “artistic” expression, be accepting, understanding or forgive them. Nope. The inconsistency here is glaring and the disingenuous way the media tried to rewrite the meaning of it all is worthy of condemnation as well.   
Wrong Place: 
And what does a guy with a beard who is dressed like a woman, have to do with the 100 meter dash or the shot put? Absolutely nothing. Again it was bizarre, way way out of place and an overt push of their political agenda onto the laps of hundreds of millions there to just watch a game of tennis or the 1600 meter run. 
More of these dopey teams, leagues and sports committees buying into this non-sense which has nothing to do with the event they are trying to put on or sport they aim to sell.  
It would be like having a float in the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade that advocates tax cuts and chides the government for wasteful spending. Everyone would be like, huh? What is this? And rightfully so. 
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