A Look At America's Holocaust 
By Alex Saitta 
April 1, 2019 
If you are a pro-lifer, I highly recommend this movie. True, it is a B-movie in some ways, but it has an A+ story line that holds true to Abbey Johnson’s experience as a Planned Parenthood clinic director and her transformation to a pro-life advocate.  
The skinny is Johnson was pro-abortion college student (who then had a couple abortions herself), started as a volunteer at Planned Parenthood, got a job there and worked her way up to the director of her clinic in Bryan, Texas in the early 2000’s.  
Over time she saw Planned Parenthood was more of an abortion factory than the advertised motto of “we are a women’s health clinic” and finally when she saw an abortion real-time, she was transformed, resigned and joined the pro-life movement.  
My Review: 
I gave “Unplanned” 3 stars and it was far and away better than other Christian movies of late like “I Can Only Imagine” that grossed $83 million, “War Room” that grossed $67 million and “Soul Surfer” of a few years ago that made $43 million.  
Unplanned had its cheesy moments in the sense the acting was weak at times, especially that first scene with the husband, wife, child and square toast. Additionally, delineating who the good guys (40 Days For Life folks) and bad guys (Planned Parenthood managers) were was quite obvious and a bit over the top, but nothing like Hollywood that regularly brands those of the Christian faith as murders, child abusers or really arms of Satan.   
There were a lot of valuable points that were made in the movie like how much vigils outside of abortion clinics work, how Planned Parenthood misleads the public on their involvement with abortion, and the film did a good job of showing the dark side inside an clinic (beit the lasting emotional stress on the girls, how things can go wrong and the killing of the babies), though it was all quite sanitized.  
By the way, I just pulled up the Planned Parenthood annual report and despite doing 350,000 abortions a year, the word abortion isn’t mentioned to page 14. 
Liberal Reaction: 
I thought the most interesting thing of the movie was the overall reaction it got from the liberal establishment. Mainly, how the critics panned it universally. Hey, these movies have an audience (see list of top Christian box office films) and that is getting under their skin.  
Second, the movie was given an R-rating, and that was clearly political. There was nothing R-rated about the film.  
Third, how most all the main cable networks from HGTV, Lifetime to the Travel Channel refused to run ads for the film.   
America's Holocaust: 
The closer you look at abortion in the country, realize Planned Parenthood’s sanitized version of what is going on in their clinics is a lie and how the media works to cover it all up, the more you realize abortion is America’s dirty little secret.  
Much like the Holocaust, how the German people knew it was going on, but acquiesced to it because they didn’t know what was actually happening inside the concentration camps and they believed the Nazi propaganda. 
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