Integrity Crumbling 
By Alex Saitta 
November 18, 2019 
I said a lot in this election, but made only two predictions. One was Trump would win and the other was Lindsey Graham would win as well. Graham won by 10 percent and I’m proud the people of SC did not fall for Jamie Harrison’s tactics of asking those in red counties to vote for a guy who dropped out and endorsed Graham, but was still on the ballot because he did that after the deadline. That was the most underhanded tactic I’ve seen in a campaign the 20 years I’ve lived in SC.    
Honestly, I have grave doubts about the vote totals in the Presidential election. What I’ve seen so far warrants an investigation of the Nov 3rd voting in key swing states, plus an entire review of the election system, culminating in recommendations of reform.  The system has been bent out of shape for political reasons and has lost its integrity in some states.  
Fraud, Irregularities & Mistakes: 
The on-set of massive mail in voting, and unsolicited absentee ballot mail outs created the opportunity for fraud because no voter ID was required. There is evidence this has occurred. I don’t know if it was orchestrated by higher ups in the Democrat party, those aligning with the party or those or those working independently on the ground. Either way, I think there was vote harvesting and filling out of ballots by others and returning them — ballot box stuffing. I also think dead people voted in numbers, out of state-ers too, as well as postmarks and even time stamps manipulated. All you have to do is listen to people like Democrat Andrew Chang asking people to “move” to Georgia just to participate in the upcoming Senate run-offs. They wear the desire to cheat on their sleeves.  
Additionally, observers were kept out of or away from vote tallying, and there has been a dose of bullying and intimidation has been sprinkled in. This is all illegal, and there is enough evidence the system has been bent out of shape for political gain and the situation warrants a thorough investigation.   
Stats, Investigation, Reforms: 
Personally, I’ve seen enough stats to indicate to some vote totals don’t look right (see my PA letter to the editor) and an investigation of this election is warranted, as well as a review of the entire voting system.  
In these contested states each one of these mail in ballots should be pulled, their outside envelope/ time stamp/ postmark examined, names and signatures compared against voter registration rolls. Such a review isn’t happening, by and large the states are just recounting the ballots (checking the addition and missing votes) and are moving to certify the totals. Heck in one place we all saw advocates intimidating board members to reverse their votes and certify. If that was not a stop the presses moment for you, I don’t know what is.  
Unfortunately, Trump and his lawyers lack subpoena power to examine each ballot, time stamps and the ability to compare names and signatures against voter registration rolls to prove the point. The DOJ and state law enforcement have such authority to do an on the ground investigation, but aren’t jumping in to do it. Congress should be calling for such an investigation, both parties. I suspect the same shenanigans will occur in the Senate Georgia races -- massive mail in voting with no ID checks. And it will continue into the future if not addressed here and now.  
Bigger Picture: 
In 2009 I said a decline of our nation was under way. Depending on what variable you look at (moral, social, economic or spiritual) our decline began between the mid-1960s and the year 2000. I said it was starting as long slid that would then accelerate and result in a collapse in some way, shape or form sometime over the following 20 years. I just didn’t know how the decline and ultimate collapse would unfold.  
I wish I had good news here, but our decline is unfolding with each passing year and it is accelerating as I wrote in February (see timeline).  I have long talked about the economic decline, mainly due to the rising debt and how that is cutting into income growth, price stability and a falling standard of living for more and more. And how the printing of money and borrowing and spending has kept the economy from collapsing now twice in the past 10 years or so. Debt, not only in the US, but world-wide continues to break new records.  
What has surprised me has been the moral decline. Not the cultural moral decline I’ve been writing about 10 years, and we see in our lives and on TV and in the news. No, the moral decline in our institutions. I did not see that coming. However, now that it staring us in the face, it is no surprise. We are in a massive slide morally, economically, spiritually and socially. EVERYTHING is being swept along with it.   
Gosh, the political weaponization of fair and once incorruptible institutions like the FBI, IRS, the US Congress, news media and even companies that sell sneakers is unprecedented.  
Checks & Balances Eroded: 
If this bending and corrupting of the election system for political gain happened 50 years ago, there would be plenty of checks kicking now to stop it, fix the immediate situation and reform the system to restore election integrity going forward.  
The unbiased media would have been pushing back, investigating and standing up for the integrity of our voting system. The FBI would be investigating on a grand scale. The Congress would be holding hearings. Even groups like the ACLU would be calling for investigation to preserve the integrity of the elections — the bedrock of our democracy. Today, these entities and most others have been politicized by the Democrat party and are either supporting the effort or are too intimidated to speak up against it. Will our political leaders in Washington stop the decline? No. In their lust for power, the Democrat party is eroding our institutions, morals, values and principles. Frankly, the Republican party’s leadership (save Donald Trump) is too weak and lacks the required unity to fight it.    
The notion the courts will come in and save the day, I doubt it, the courts have been just as politicized and intimidated like the rest. Integrity is gone, so there is no one to turn to, to right the ship we are now all on, and is sinking.  
Will the people rise up? Maybe in spots, but not in mass. Look at CA, NY, IL and NJ, the four states that are seeing the largest exodus, as those states are crumbling under Democrat rule. The people there all voted blue by 15% or more. Suicide liberals. Remember Kim Klacik in Baltimore, the Republican US House candidate who was going to take on 50 years of the same ole same ole in that failing city. She lost 70% to 30%.  
Our only hope lies in the state legislatures which one day will be so pushed to the edge, some states begin to stand up against the corrupt federal conglomerate of national politicians, national corporations, national organizations, and the national media. Until then, expect more and more of the same.  
I got out of the stock market in August 2019 when the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit about 26,000. I then rose to 29,500, crashed to 18,000 and is now back at 29,000. The market is tired and being held up by $3 trillion a year in deficit spending as well artificially low interest rates.  Without that, it would be trading about 21,000 now. It is too dangerous to be invested.    
Inflation is back, though not being reported because indicators like the government CPI index have been politicized as well, gutted of integrity and have been dumbed way down. True inflation is not 2%, but likely 8% to 10%. The dollar is going to continue to fall and Gold is in a long-term bull market on its way to $4,000 as more and more see how the US and western civilization is continuing to crumble.  
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