Republic At Stake 
By Alex Saitta 
October 20, 2021 
I gave this speech last week at a Republican meeting.  
Is anyone tired of people running as conservatives in Republican primaries, then once they are elected they vote like Democrats? A few weeks ago the county council voted 5 to 1 to raise property taxes a historic amount to fix roads. I was the lone Republican to vote “No”. Not one of us six Republicans in the campaign said vote for me, I’ll fix your roads and do it with a record tax hike. Vote for me, I’ll fix your roads like a Democrat would.  
The Party Of: 
We are the party that manages budgets. Tax increases are a last resort. That means you first look at the existing budget — you cut waste, cut the excess and eliminate this low priorities. You then look to allocate some of the new revenue coming in for the item you want to buy.  Next you look at your over-collections or savings that have built up.  Use some of that too. If you are still short, then you consider a tax hike as a last resort. That is what we promise the voters every primary. You don’t just jump to the tax hike as the first option — that’s what the Democrats do. 
Promises matter. If you say in a campaign you will do this, do it. If you say you will not do that, then don’t do that when you get elected. It’s that simple.  
Biggest Problem: 
However, that is not our biggest problem — our Republic is at stake here. The national government, has aligned with the national media and national corporations like Nike and Google, and they are working with national organizations like the ACLU and Planned Parenthood. Together they are trying to create a new national order. Their aim is to promote a  national thought or way of doing things that will dominate not only governmental affairs, but all facets of life.In 2015 I wrote in a Greenville News op-ed, this was coming down the pike. Well that future is here. 
President Trump: 
President Trump tried his best to fight against this. Unfortunately, he was playing by the rules and the liberals were in anything-goes-to-win mode. With the Democrats now in control of the national government, the national media, national organizations and national corporations, this national alliance is now targeting taking control of the states. Particular, red states.  
States Front Line: 
Being one of the red-est states in the country, South Carolina is on the front line. As a result, our leaders need to be pushing three things to fight back against this national aggression. First, we need to sign on to the convention of states. The states created the federal government to serve the will of the states. That has been turned on its head. We need a balanced budget amendment to take the money and center of power out of Washington, and put it back in the states where it belongs. And just like they had in the Articles of Confederation, the state must be able to recall their US House and Senate members if they are not voting on behalf of their state.  
Second, states need to start exploring nullification. The states created the federal government, so the states (not the federal courts) have the final authority on the limits of the federal government’s power.   
If the states determine a Presidential executive order is unconstitutional, they should not follow it. If the states think a Supreme Court ruling doesn’t follow the Constitution, they should not follow it. If Congress passes a law that goes beyond its federal authority, the state should not follow it.  
The Founding Fathers would have never ratified the Constitution if they knew Congress could pass a law, the President could sign it and the Supreme Court rubberstamp it, and the states would have no formal check on this federal process.  
Third, all citizens of South Carolina need to be proficient in self-defense and the use of a gun. If the states are going to reassert themselves as the supreme authority in this country, those in Washington will not like it. They may turn to force to impose their will. If they know all citizens are armed and willing to defend their state from federal aggression, the Feds will not go that route. They will negotiate, and begin to give up their excessive power and control.   
Look it is no longer about bill 123 or xyz. It is about saving our Republic and state leaders throughout the country must realize this. Our state leaders need to get vocal and loud in rallying South Carolina and others states in standing against this take-over by the national government, the national media, national corporations and national organizations. 
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